As of today we have officially left Florida and are on our way to Texas and beyond. Florida has been amazing for us to begin our fulltiming adventure. The kids got to meet and play with tons of other Fulltime Families kids. While the rest of the country was freezing in that crazy winter storm we were literally swimming outside in the pool in 80 something degree weather. We went hiking in State Parks, we toured a Citrus Grove in the world’s largest monster truck (got to love FL!), we scratched our Star Wars and Harry Potter itches at Disney World and Universal Studios, and we hung out with some old friends and made a bunch of new ones.
Where to from here? Well, the short term answer is Texas with a 10 day layover along the way in New Orleans where we will meet some family and eat way too many beignets. after apending 4-6 weeks in Texas we will head northwest to Denver, then Yellowstone and Glacier. That is about as far out as we have really planned at this point.
Today we arrived at our first Army Corp of Engineers Park. To say it is awesome would be an understatement! And for only about $20 a night to boot.

I’ve gotten a few questions about traveling. We move slow. I only want to drive about a max of 300 to 350 miles per day (and prefer to keep it about 250 if I can). I’ve booked campgrounds where we want to stay for a bit so we aren’t driving day after day either. So far, it is working for us. Pulling that behemoth down the road amazingly taxing mentally and parking is always fun. I did back in to our campsite perfectly on the first try today. #humblebrag.
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